We offer a variety of different services to schools, business, government and the community such as nature play equipment, professional development seminars, and tailor made events.
Check out our catalogue of items, or get in touch with us to chat.
All our products are handcrafted from reclaimed materials, sustainably sourced. Every playspace product is one of a kind and can be custom built for your site. Contact us to chat about how we can create something beautiful for your playspace

Professional Development
Climbing Tree can offer a variety of Professional development opportunities ranging from short staff meeting information sessions to full day staff workshops.
Information Sessions
10-30 Minutes
Sessions with staff, students or parents.
Inform on benefits of nature play
- Inform of what is possible in a natural play space
- Addressing risk in natural play spaces
Student Workshops
1-2 Hours
Consult with students on the things they would like to do in their spaces.
Construct models of play spaces.

Mud Face Play Days
Climbing Tree is excited to be able to offer Nature Play experiences in your school. We offer supervised incursions for classes of up to 35 students with all equipment provided.
Five sessions per day, Includes:
Cubby Building
Students design and work in groups to construct bush shelters.
Promotes group work, cooperation and communication
Mud Play
Students rotate through a variety of stations where they play and learn through experiences with mud.
Loose Parts Play
Students explore and create using a variety of nature objects, which can be moved, and manipulated stimulating creativity.
Team building activities
Students partake in challenging and risky team challenges. Such as rope bridges and river crossings.
Climbing Tree can offer one or a variety of these opportunities over a day to a single or multiple year levels. Please contact us to tailor a Mudface Play Dayz package to you.